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Hyperhidrosis Treatment in Wollongong

What is Hyperhidrosis?

Abnormally excessive sweating that’s not necessarily related to heat or exercise. You may sweat so much that it soaks through your clothes. Besides disrupting normal daily activities, this type of heavy sweating can cause social anxiety and embarrassment.

Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) can be an extremely frustrating and embarrassing condition that can significantly impact your quality of life. If you suffer from excessive sweating, you’ll know all too well the challenges it can pose—constant worry about sweat stains, having to change clothes multiple times a day, avoiding social situations and more. The good news is there are treatments available that can help to reduce excessive sweating and can even give you back your quality of life.

At Cosmetic HQ By Danielle Ryan in Wollongong, we offer a range of treatment options for hyperhidrosis. Our team of clinicians will work with you to find a tailored solution for your individual needs.

If you’re interested in finding out more about our hyperhidrosis treatments, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on (02) 8325 1625.


Our Hyperhidrosis Treatment Info

Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for excessive sweating. Sweating is your body’s standard mechanism of cooling itself; however, for people with hyperhidrosis, the body sweats at an abnormally high level.

People with hyperhidrosis fall into two categories; primary and secondary. Primary sufferers are the most comment type, with the cause largely unknown. Often commencing in childhood or adolescence, the most common areas affected are the palms, soles, armpits and sometimes the face and scalp. The condition appears to worsen during times of stress and anxiety and can occur in any climate; however, it is usually worse during periods of higher temperatures.

Secondary sufferers produce excessive sweating due to an underlying medical condition. Unlike primary sufferers, the condition may affect the entire body. Some possible causes include diabetes, an overactive thyroid gland, menopause, some medicines, obesity, damage to nerves from disease or injury, some medication (particularly antidepressants) and, very rarely, tumours.

A toxin has been found to be an effective treatment for people who sweat excessively from their armpit region and it works by blocking the nerves responsible for stimulating the sweat glands in the armpit area. The toxin paralyses the overactive nerves blocking them from sending signals to your sweat glands. The result is a reduction in excessive sweating and a return to a normal level of sweating. The effects may last between four and twelve months.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can men get cosmetic treatments?

    Cosmetic treatments are increasingly popular among men, reflecting a broader trend of men taking an active interest in their appearance and skincare. Treatments for men are tailored to maintain masculine features while addressing concerns such as wrinkles, loss of facial volume or enhancing jawline definition. The aim is to achieve a natural, refreshed look that aligns with each individual's aesthetic goals.

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